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Bauliste der Kreuzfahrtschiffe der Meyer Werft, Papenburg
Die meisten der auf der Papenburger Meyer Werft gebauten Kreuzfahrtschiffe entsprechen vom Grundsatz her nicht unserem Schwerpunkt. Da wir jedoch in relativer Nähe zur Werft leben, sei aus purem Lokalpatreotismus erlaubt, dass wir uns ein wenig mit den Kreuzfahrtschiffen dieser Werft beschäftigen.
Im Folgenden publizieren wir eine Bauliste der gebauten und bestellten Kreuzfahrtschiffe. Der bessern Übersicht halber ist die Auflistung nach Jahrzenten unterteilt. Schön zu erkennen ist das im Laufe der Zeit kontinuierliche Wachstum der Schiffe in Bezug auf Länge, Breite, Vermessung und Passagierkapazität.
Die 2020er Jahre
Schiffsname | Reederei | Baujahr | Baunummer | IMO-Nr. | Länge | Breite | Vermessung | Passagierkabinen | Passagiere | Crew |
CARNIVAL ? | Carnival Cruise Line | 2026 | 345,00m | 42m | 183.200 BRZ | 2626 | 5228 | 1551 | ||
CARNIVAL ? | Carnival Cruise Line | 2026 | 345,00m | 42m | 183.200 BRZ | 2626 | 5228 | 1551 | ||
ASUKA III | NYK Cruises | 2025 | 721 | 228,86m | 29,80m | 51.950 BRZ | 385 | 744 | 470 | |
DISNEY DESTINY | Disney Cruise Line | 2025 | 706 | 340,89m | 40,30m | 135.000 BRZ | 1250 | 1555 | ||
SILVER RAY | Silversea Cruises | 2024 | 720 | 9886225 | 244,00m | 34,00m | 54.700 BRZ | 728 | ||
DISNEY TREASURE | Disney Cruise Line | 2024 | 718 | 9834753 | 340,89m | 40,30m | 135.000 BRZ | 1250 | 1555 | |
CARNIVAL JUBILEE | Carnival Cruise Line | 2023 | 717 | 9851737 | 345,00m | 42m | 183.200 BRZ | 2626 | 5228 | 1551 |
SILVER NOVA | Silversea Cruises | 2023 | 719 | 9886213 | 244,00m | 34,00m | 54.700 BRZ | 728 | ||
ARVIA | P&O Cruises | 2022 | 716 | 9849693 | 344,5m | 42m | 185.581 BRZ | 2614 | 5200 | |
DISNEY WISH | Disney Cruise Line | 2022 | 705 | 9834739 | 340,89m | 40,30m | 144.256 BRZ | 1250 | 1555 | |
AIDAcosma | AIDA Cruises | 2021 | 709 | 9781877 | 337,00m | 42m | 183.774 BRZ | 2626 | 5228 | 1551 |
ODYSSEY OF THE SEAS | Royal Caribbean Cruise Line | 2021 | 713 | 9795737 | 347,10m | 41,40m | 167.704 BRZ | 2137 | 4284 | 1551 |
IONA | P&O Cruises | 2020 | 710 | 9826548 | 344,50m | 42m | 184.089 BRZ | 2614 | 5206 | 1762 |
SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE | Saga Cruises | 2020 | 715 | 9818084 | 236,00m | 31,20m | 58.250 BRZ | 554 | 999 | 540 |
Die 2010er Jahre
Schiffsname | Reederei | Baujahr | Baunummer | IMO-Nr. | Länge | Breite | Vermessung | Passagierkabinen | Passagiere | Crew |
NORWEGIAN ENCORE | Norwegian Cruise Line | 2019 | 708 | 9751511 | 333,50m | 41,40m | 169.145 BRZ | 2043 | 4004 | |
SPIRIT OF DISCOVERY | Saga Cruises | 2019 | 714 | 9802683 | 236,00m | 31,20m | 58.250 BRZ | 554 | 999 | 540 |
SPECTRUM OF THE SEAS | Royal Caribbean Cruise Line | 2019 | 700 | 9778856 | 347,10m | 41,40m | 169.379 BRZ | 2137 | 4284 | 1551 |
AIDAnova | AIDA Cruises | 2018 | 696 | 9781865 | 337,00m | 42m | 183.858 BRZ | 2626 | 5228 | 1545 |
NORWEGIAN BLISS | Norwegian Cruise Line | 2018 | 707 | 9751509 | 333,3m | 41,40m | 168.028 BRZ | 2043 | 4004 | |
WORLD DREAM | Dream Cruises | 2017 | 712 | 9733117 | 335,35m | 39,70m | 150.695 BRZ | 1686 | 3376 | 2016 |
NORWEGIAN JOY | Norwegian Cruise Line | 2017 | 694 | 9703796 | 333,50m | 41,40m | 167.725 BRZ | 1925 | 3883 | |
GENTING DREAM | Dream Cruises | 2016 | 711 | 9733105 | 335,35m | 39,70m | 150.695 BRZ | 1674 | 3348 | 2016 |
OVATION OF THE SEAS | Royal Caribbean Cruise Line | 2016 | 699 | 9697753 | 347,10m | 41,40m | 168.666 BRZ | 2091 | 4180 | 1500 |
NORWEGIAN ESCAPE | Norwegian Cruise Line | 2015 | 693 | 9677076 | 325,90m | 41,40m | 164.600 BRZ | 2165 | 4266 | |
ANTHEM OF THE SEAS | Royal Caribbean Cruise Line | 2015 | 698 | 9656101 | 347,10m | 41,40m | 168.666 BRZ | 2094 | 4180 | 1500 |
QUANTUM OF THE SEAS | Royal Caribbean Cruise Line | 2014 | 697 | 9549463 | 347,10m | 41,40m | 168.666 BRZ | 2048 | 4180 | 1500 |
NORWEGIAN GATEWAY | Norwegian Cruise Line | 2014 | 692 | 9606924 | 324,00m | 39,70m | 145.655 BRZ | 2015 | 3963 | |
AIDAstella | AIDA Cruises | 2013 | 695 | 9601132 | 253,30m | 32,20m | 71.300 BRZ | 1097 | 2194 | |
NORWEGIAN BREAKAWAY | Norwegian Cruise Line | 2013 | 678 | 9606912 | 324,00m | 39,70m | 145.655 BRZ | 2015 | 3963 | |
CELEBRITY REFLECTION | Celebrity Cruises | 2012 | 691 | 9506459 | 125.366 BRZ | 3046 | ||||
AIDAmar | AIDA Cruises | 2012 | 690 | 9490052 | 71.304 BRZ | 2194 | ||||
DISNEY FANTASY | Disney Cruise Line | 2012 | 688 | 9445590 | 129.750 BRZ | 4000 | ||||
AIDAsol | AIDA Cruises | 2011 | 689 | 9490040 | 71.304 BRZ | 2194 | ||||
CELEBRITY SILHOUETTE | Celebrity Cruises | 2011 | 679 | 9451094 | 122.210 BRZ | 2886 | ||||
DISNEY DREAM | Disney Cruise Line | 2010 | 687 | 9434254 | 129.690 BRZ | 4000 | ||||
AIDAblu | AIDA Cruises | 2010 | 680 | 9398888 | 71.304 BRZ | 2192 | ||||
CELEBRITY ECLIPSE | Celebrity Cruises | 2010 | 677 | 9404314 | 121.878 BRZ | 2850 |
Die 2000er Jahre
Schiffsname | Reederei | Baujahr | Baunummer | IMO-Nr. | Länge | Breite | Vermessung | Passagierkabinen | Passagiere | Crew |
CELEBRITY EQUINOX | Celebrity Cruises | 2009 | 676 | 9372456 | 121.878 BRZ | 2850 | ||||
AIDAluna | AIDA Cruises | 2009 | 660 | 9334868 | 69.203 BRZ | 2050 | ||||
CELEBRITY SOLSTICE | Celebrity Cruises | 2008 | 675 | 9362530 | 121.878 BRZ | 2850 | ||||
AIDAbella | AIDA Cruises | 2008 | 666 | 9362542 | 69.203 BRZ | 2050 | ||||
NORWEGIAN GEM | Norwegian Cruise Line | 2007 | 670 | 9355733 | 93.530 BRZ | 2384 | ||||
AIDAdiva | AIDA Cruises | 2007 | 659 | 9334856 | 69.203 BRZ | 2050 | ||||
NORWEGIAN PEARL | Norwegian Cruise Line | 2006 | 669 | 9342281 | 93.530 BRZ | 2394 | ||||
PRIDE OF HAWAII | Norwegian Cruise Line | 2006 | 668 | 9304057 | 93.558 BRZ | 2466 | ||||
NORWEGIAN JEWEL | Norwegian Cruise Line | 2005 | 667 | 9304045 | 93.502 BRZ | 2376 | ||||
JEWEL OF THE SEAS | Royal Caribbean Cruise Line | 2004 | 658 | 9228356 | 90.090 BRZ | 2490 | ||||
SERENADE OF THE SEAS | Royal Caribbean Cruise Line | 2003 | 657 | 9228344 | 90.090 BRZ | 2490 | ||||
BRILLANCE OF THE SEAS | Royal Caribbean Cruise Line | 2002 | 656 | 9195200 | 90.090 BRZ | 2501 | ||||
NORWEGIAN DAWN | Norwegian Cruise Line | 2002 | 649 | 9195169 | 92.250 BRZ | 2244 | ||||
RADIANCE OF THE SEAS | Royal Caribbean Cruise Line | 2001 | 655 | 9195195 | 90.090 BRZ | 2501 | ||||
NORWEGIAN STAR | Norwegian Cruise Line | 2001 | 648 | 9195157 | 91.740 BRZ | 2348 | ||||
AURORA | P&O Cruises | 2000 | 640 | 9169524 | 76.152 BRZ | 1878 |
Die 1990er Jahre
Schiffsname | Reederei | Baujahr | Baunummer | IMO-Nr. | Länge | Breite | Vermessung | Passagierkabinen | Passagiere | Crew |
SUPER STAR VIRGO | Star Cruises | 1999 | 647 | 9141077 | 268,60m | 32,30m | 75.904 BRZ | 2500 | ||
SUPER STAR LEO | Star Cruises | 1998 | 646 | 9141065 | 268,60m | 32,30m | 75.338 BRZ | 2500 | ||
MERCURY | Celebrity Cruises | 1997 | 639 | 9106302 | 263,90m | 36,00m | 77.700 BRZ | 2217 | ||
GALAXY | Celebrity Cruises | 1996 | 638 | 9106297 | 263,90m | 32,23m | 77.700 BRZ | 2217 | ||
CENTURY | Celebrity Cruises | 1995 | 637 | 9072446 | 246,50m | 32,20m | 70.606 BRZ | 1778 | ||
ORIANA | P&O Cruises | 1995 | 636 | 9050137 | 260,00m | 32,24m | 69.153 BRZ | 1928 | ||
ZENITH | Celebrity Cruises | 1992 | 620 | 8918136 | 208,00m | 29,33m | 47.413 BRZ | 1781 | ||
HORIZON | Celebrity Cruises | 1990 | 619 | 8807088 | 208,00m | 29,32m | 47.427 BRZ | 1750 |
Die 1980er Jahre
Schiffsname | Reederei | Baujahr | Baunummer | IMO-Nr. | Länge | Breite | Vermessung | Passagierkabinen | Passagiere | Crew |
CROWN ODYSSEY | Royal Cruise Line | 1988 | 616 | 8506294 | 187,71m | 28,21m | 34.242 BRZ | 1200 | ||
HOMERIC | Home Lines | 1986 | 610 | 8407735 | 204,00m | 29,73m | 42.092 BRZ | 1132 |